
Legal Guardianship if Both Parents Have Died

No child should have to lose their parents before they become adults. Ideally, every child should have access to two loving parents who care for them and see to their needs until they reach adulthood. Unfortunately, that isn’t always how things go. Sometimes children are bereaved of their parents and need someone else to care...

Success of Settlement at Mediation 

Divorce is never easy, even in more amicable separations. Sometimes, divorce proceedings may start off cordial and friendly, but disagreements about how, for example, belongings and assets should be divided may result in rising tensions. Other times, the exact opposite, the separation is full of conflict and controversy from the start. In situations where agreeing...

What Are the Top Questions to Ask Your Divorce Attorney?

Deciding to divorce your spouse isn’t easy. It’s arguably one of the most difficult decisions you’ll have to make. The challenges, unfortunately, don’t just limit themselves to your emotions. Divorce has the potential to be a rather confusing and negative  experience from a legal standpoint too, It’s no wonder, then, that most people getting a...

Debt and Divorce

When you got married, you did it with the intention of building a life together with your spouse. You meant what you said when you said your vows, determined to make a good life together. Unfortunately, even the best intentions are not always realized. Sometimes the best decision you can make is to get divorced....

Helpful Tips for Navigating the Adoption Process

Children bring a special joy to their parent/parents. Many couples or individuals find themselves desperately wanting to experience the joy and happiness a child brings, but are not able to have a child of their own. For these couples and persons, adoption offers a solution that allows them to have the child they are yearning...

How to Find a Good Divorce Lawyer?

People in love don’t go into marriage planning to get divorced. Sadly, some relationships don’t stand the test of time. Sometimes getting divorced is the best decision to make. Once you’ve come to that conclusion, it’s time to take the next step towards making it official. While some couples are able to handle divorce proceedings...